Monday, September 30, 2024

おはようございます。 good morning

I’ve never really had much interest in other people, to be honest.

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I have no interest in gossip, bad-mouthing, or any of that stuff about others.

I don’t understand celebrity news at all, and I don’t know who is who, so I’m sorry that I can’t have any conversations about it.

My only friend understands this about me, and when she listens to my stories, she smiles gently and pays attention.

She probably doesn’t watch TV much either.

There are a lot of people who don’t watch TV anymore, right?

Because of this, I can’t even think of messing up someone else’s family or anything like that; it’s just not in me.

But it seems there are people in the world who do think like that.

It’s a ridiculous thought, but I wonder what it’s like to go through each day thinking about such things.

I’m not really sure.

What I want to connect from this is the things we have at home.

Objects often hold a lot of energy, don’t they?

They are quietly present in the house, watching and talking to us.

Normally, we wouldn’t pay much attention to them, but if we look closely, we realize they are things we’ve spent so much time with.

I’ve loved turning the faces of those objects into paintings for quite a long time now.

Some might wonder what’s so special about liking objects, but for me, everyday situations are special, and every day is a celebration.

I paint those objects that say to me, “It’s okay.”

Even those fleeting moments become treasures. ^ - ^

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